Which Low FODMAP Fruits Help with IBS?
Video Transcript:
Dealing with IBS and Dietary Changes
It's tough enough to deal with IBS, but then throw in a new way of eating and boy, it can really feel frustrating.
So today I'm going to walk you through some low-fodmap foods that can actually help you with your IBS symptoms. But first, my name is Marcie Vaske and I'm a licensed nutritionist with Oswald Digestive Clinic, where I see people every day who struggle with gut issues.
Accessing Help and Resources
So if that sounds like you or someone you know and love, you can make an initial appointment.
Also, if you want to do this on your own and maybe just learn more information about gut health, download our free guide Five Ways to Improve Gut Health.
So let's dig back into our topic, which is discussing fruits that are helpful for IBS symptoms.
Understanding IBS and its Symptoms
So first, to understand what is IBS? IBS is irritable bowel syndrome, and that is where many people can struggle with symptoms like abdominal cramping, constipation, diarrhea, excessive bloating, or even gas.
And by eliminating some of these, fodmap foods can greatly reduce those symptoms. And the reason for this is that when you do the low fodmap diet, what you're really doing is taking out fermentable carbohydrates that actually create a lot of those symptoms.
Phases of the Low-FODMAP Diet
Now, when you embark on the low fodmap diet, what you're doing it, it really has like three phases. So a phase number one is going to be elimination. Phase number two will be reintroducing those foods back into your diet.
And then phase number three is just maintenance. And so today, as I walk you through some fruits that are going to be best when you're doing the Low-Fodmap diet, this will be obviously during phase number one, which is elimination.
Purpose of the Low-FODMAP Diet
And just as a reminder, the Low-Fodmap diet isn't a diet that you'll be on for an extended period of time. It's really just made to be put in to reduce the symptoms. And so maybe you're on it for a few weeks before you start reintroducing those foods.
And during the elimination phase, what you're doing is reducing symptoms, but also helping the gut to reduce inflammation and giving your body a chance to just kind of calm down so that when you reintroduce the foods, you can get a better picture for what foods may be your triggers.
Individual Responses to Diets
And of course, not one diet is going to fit all people.
And if you take out all the low fodmap foods and you're feeling like there's still some symptoms going on, clearly there's going to be something more going on underneath that besides just food triggers. But the idea is to reduce those symptoms so that you can understand that.
Selecting Fruits in the Low-FODMAP Diet
Now, of course, we don't want to give up all of our fruits because they're tasty and they're also going to be wonderful for us. But in in luckily, not all foods are on the low fodmap diet, meaning that we have to take them out.
And so some of the fruits that we will definitely be able to keep in are going to give us the fiber we need minerals and vitamins that our body needs to function properly.
Varieties of Low-FODMAP Fruits

Now, some of the fruits that you'll be able to keep in will be things like strawberries and blueberries and kiwi and oranges. And those are all full of vitamins C and fiber. And also they're high in antioxidants which help to reduce that inflammation in the body.
So of course there is a bit of a long list about good fruits that you can keep in while you're doing the Low-Fodmap diet.
Guidance on Low-FODMAP Foods
And many times it's going to be in certain amounts. And if you are curious, just want to learn more about that.
You can work with a nutritionist or a dietitian, or you can always go to the Monash University app, which really is very comprehensive and listing all the foods that you need to either take out, eat in moderation or keep in.
Importance of Fruits in the Diet
And that can give you the amounts you kind of eat on a daily basis. And as I said, fruits are going to be super important for contributing to a lot of healthy things in our body.
And so some of those fruits are already mentioned, such as strawberries and blueberries and kiwi. But in addition to that, you can also keep in things like pineapple and bananas and papaya and passion fruit.
Adapting Fruits into Your Diet
And so as I said, there's a bit of a long list, so you can easily find more information about that or work with a qualified practitioner such as myself.
But even in naming some of those fruits that I mentioned, some people might still have symptoms. And so if you do find that you're having a strawberry and you have symptoms, then that's your indication where just take the strawberries out, for example.
Incorporating Fruits in Meals
But, you know, really kind of listing and watching for what your body is telling you for what it can handle. And so how can you add these into your daily meal plan? You know, fruits are pretty versatile and most people like them.
And so in most people don't want to get rid of all fruits because it is that little bit of sweetness that if we're trying to, you know, reduce our sugar intake, that fruit can kind of take its place.
Now, of course, fruit does have fructose in it, so it is a type of sugar. But as I mentioned, it has all those other beautiful things like antioxidants and minerals and vitamins and all of those great things. But we don't want to go wild on fruit either.
So ways that you can incorporate fruit into your diet is choose the fruits that work best for you.
And maybe you just use those fruits for snacks and have them on hand and pair it with a healthy, fat or protein. That way it maintains your blood sugar. So maybe you're doing apples and some natural peanut butter, for example.
So one fresh fruit snack would be maybe it's a little like a half a banana with some natural peanut butter, or it's a mix of berries with some melted natural peanut butter over it, or even just almond butter, whatever nut butter you enjoy.
Utilizing Fruits in Recipes
You can even do coconut manna, which is really yummy over berries. Another idea would be to incorporate them into smoothies.
Smoothies are a great way to pack in a lot of nutrition. So, you know, doing a scoop of protein powder and the fruit that works best for you and then maybe you incorporate some fats in there so that you have some nice balance to that smoothie.
Fruit in Salads and Savory Dishes

And when you have that balance, it keeps your blood sugar where it needs to be, but it also helps keep you sustained and you're not hungry for several hours. Now, of course, another idea would be just to throw some fresh fruit on top of our salad.
That always adds a nice little robust addition to any salad. I think so Maybe you do a green salad with some salmon and you throw some berries on there along with some low-fodmap nuts and you're good to go.
Diversifying Fruit Consumption
And another way we can also add in some fruit is even in our savory dishes. So maybe you do some chicken with pineapple, stir fry type dish.
And that just adds a nice flavorful amount of fruit where we're getting those vitamins and minerals, but we're also a little bit of sweetness.
And so when we incorporate these fruits in a different way throughout our day, we feel less restricted because the low-fodmap diet can oftentimes feel like a, what am I going to eat?
Exploring Diverse Recipes
I have nothing left to eat. It takes out all these foods. But when you're using foods in a different way, in terms of throwing in on different kinds of, you know, savory dishes or on, you know, in smoothies, for example, or just as a snack, then you feel like you have more variety.
And of course, there's a lot of recipes out there nowadays for people who are following the Low-Fodmap diet. So you can have variety in that way as well.
Meaning, you know, if you feel like you want to make some blueberry muffins, for example, there's definitely recipes out there where you can find low-fodmap blueberry muffins that taste super yummy and you might have them in the morning, or you could even have them for an afternoon snack. Maybe.
Listening to Your Body
And again, that adds some diversity and variety within your diet. So you don't feel that restrictive feeling. But all along, throughout this journey, I want you to remember to really listen in for any signs or symptoms that your body is giving you for foods that you're consuming.
This gives you more information, and that's kind of the whole basis of the Low-Fodmap diet is for you to learn what your triggers are.
Seeking Professional Support
Now, of course, if you are, you know, kind of looking into doing the low fodmap diet and you're thinking, boy, I can't do this on my own. That's why we're here at Oswal Digestive Clinic.
We work with individuals all the time who are doing the Low-Fodmap diet to find those triggers that are really irritating their gut. And also, as I mentioned, if you're doing the diet and you're still having several symptoms, there's always something more underneath that.
Holistic Approach to Managing IBS

So then I really encourage you to work with a dietitian and nutritionist such as myself and get to the bottom of it so that you can feel your best.
Now, of course, doing the Low-Fodmap diet can help you learn more about yourself and also create fewer symptoms. But we do need to keep in mind that there are other factors in our life that cause IBS to flare actually, and things like stress.
So keeping down your stress level is going to be super important. I talk about this all the time on this channel because stress, I think is one thing we sort of take for granted in a sense, because we don't think about how stressed we might be and how that really is impacting our digestive system.
I'm doing a lot of videos on that topic, so check them out.
Lifestyle Factors in IBS Management
Another option are lifestyle thing that you should keep in is really movement. You know, I love exercise. That's something that's a part of my life and I know that it's not for everybody.
And so that's why I like to call it movement, because you just need to move, whether it's, you know, getting up from your chair after you've been sitting for an hour or two and walking around taking the stairs whenever you can.
Incorporating Movement into Daily Life
Parking further away from buildings that you might be running errands and just trying to incorporate movement into your life. If you can't take time or don't want to take time to do, say, formal exercise, for example, just move that.
So good for stress levels, number one. But also just to keep the body functioning well and to more lifestyle things that are really important when it comes to gut health is also going to be mindful eating.
Mindful Eating Habits
You know, if you struggle with IBS, you know all too well that if you overeat, the gut really gives you a hard time. And so just be mindful about how much you're eating the quantity and making sure that your body can digest it well. And also remember to incorporate water or hydrate.
Keeping yourself hydrated is going to be really important for overall gut health and overall body health, and especially if you're an individual who struggles more with like IBS, with diarrhea, you're really needing to stay more hydrated because that year when you have so much loose stool that can really dehydrate us quickly.
Conclusion and Summary
So just to kind of conclude and summarize quickly, you know, we do since are taking out certain foods when you're doing the Low-Fodmap diet is definitely going to help reduce some symptoms and knowing that you can really keep and several other fruits to keep that variety and diversity of your meals you know well and you feel good about it.
Also when we have that variety and diversity, it keeps our gut microbiome even happier. And in addition to that, you know, watch out for the lifestyle, things that might be impeding or creating more IBS symptoms for you.
So this is what I've got for you today. I hope you enjoyed it. Please leave comments if you have some. And don't forget to subscribe to our channel.
If you'd like to explore any of this information further or obtain an individualized nutrition plan, you can schedule an initial appointment at our clinic. We also take insurance and some of our clients get full coverage, which is great.
Or you can just start by downloading our FREE GUIDE: 5 WAYS TO IMPROVE GUT HEALTH